Thursday, 16 July 2009

Teacher pressies.....

These are bookmarks that I made from no2 son's drawings
to give to his playgroup leaders tomorrow when he leaves.

Based on these made by Soulemama and featured in her new book,
which I am happily waiting to be delivered to my home
when it is published soon!

Cheated a bit on the embroidery, though!
No time!
(And not much inclination!!)
I do wish I didn't leave this sort of thing
to the last minute, so I could enjoy the process more!


Ali said...

At least you made them - our poor teachers got books for their libraries, which isn't the most inspired gift, given my place of work...

Karen J said...

You may not think books are inspired but they are always inspiring! If I was surrounded by books all the time at work I wouldn't be able to resist passing some on to others either!