Friday 19 June 2009

This one is for Ali......

In an email conversation about the
I attended recently,
Ali, not so subtly suggested that
if I had a blog, she would have
already seen what jumped
into my bag!!!

So, here you go.....

Two pictures to add to my, as yet, small collection
of Mother and Child images;

An embroidery to frame;

Another Ladybird book, (I'll show you my collection one day!!);

A card to frame. I've obviously reached an age where I'm
getting nostalgic about my childhood!

And, last, but by no means least, a piece of fabric to make
a skirt with (thanks for the idea, Lizzie!)

And look how beautifully it goes with the cardigan
I bought from a charity shop on the same day.
It was bought to back a crochet cushion
but I have other ideas for it now!

Hope you liked that, Ali!


Ali said...

I really really did. The next best thing to shopping oneself, is seeing other people's shopping.

And your skirt fabric is gorgeous.

Unknown said...

how lovely...

great collection!

Remind me not to wear my skirt when you wear yours... that fabric is totally wonderful, by the way.

Karen J said...

Oh Monica, I love the fact that you're already calling my fabric 'a skirt'! Bless you! Unfortunately, it might be a while!

asila said...

wow wanderfull View about ur mother; I think all the mother are same.Im sure she done it...:D